Caterpillar Safety Services

Developing a Safety Culture and its Benefits

Embedding a true culture of safety into your organization protects your employees and enhances productivity. Safety is no longer a burden but a benefit, supported and cherished by all levels from the front line to the boardroom.

Safety Culture

What is a safety culture?

A true safety culture is where safety practices are embedded across an organization, where safety is approached pro-actively and all team members accept ownership of safety. It goes beyond safety fundamentals, where safety responsibility is assigned to specific individuals, to a culture where safety behaviors are demonstrated by every employee across the entire organization. A safety culture takes some time to develop and embed, but organizations who succeed are rewarded with improved engagement, reduction in incident rates, and increased productivity.

What does an organization with a strong safety culture look like?

Safety roles and responsibilities are assigned across the organization, with employees at all levels taking ownership of safety.

  • Management is visibly committed to initiatives.
  • All employees are empowered to contribute to the safety conversation and speak openly about observed risks. 
  • A long-term safety strategy is in place, with representation and accountability at all levels. 
  • The Safety Department is viewed as a valuable resource, not the sole owner of safety, since responsibility for safety is shared across the organization. 
  • Safety culture or leadership data is analyzed to determine trends and support strategic decision-making.

Four ways to know if you have a true safety culture

ALL EMPLOYEES ENGAGED  The conversation around safety is a positive part of everyday work.
EMBEDDED ACCOUNTABILITIES Safety is owned at every level and everyone understands what they are accountable for - from the leadership to the front line.
ORGANIZATIONAL ADOPTION Best-practice safety processes are adopted at all stages of production, and a system of continual improvement.
LEADER COMMUNICATION Safety is a key part of the business conversation, embedded into company-wide communications.

Safety Culture: Products and Services

Safety Perception Survey    

Ideal for organizations who need to understand where the problems really are. This assessment identifies the attitudes and beliefs toward safety and where perception gaps are throughout the organization.

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Safety Perception Survey

Safety Culture Excellence Workshop

Ensure that personnel from every level of the organization are familiar with the continuous improvement process and understand that the process is supported by all levels of leadership.

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Safety Culture Excellence Workshop

Communication Strategies for Leaders    

Designed specifically for leaders, this workshop will help participants to formulate communication strategies to share their vision, demonstrate visible commitment and optimize accountability through positive recognition.

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Communication Strategies for Leaders

ZIP™: Continuous Improvement Process

The ZIP™ process is a holistic approach to safety culture improvement. It covers assessments, training, coaching and communication support,  to facilitate sustainable safety performance at levels never thought possible. 

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Zero Incident Performance Process

SafelyHome: Caterpillar Training Center

Many safety culture training programs are available online for your instructors to access anywhere and anytime to facilitate to your organization.

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Where are you on the safety maturity scale?

Learn about the 5 levels of safety and plot where your organization sits on the safety maturity scale.

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Maturity Model