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Grow your team's skills and increase your bottom line with Cat® heavy equipment operator training. We offer customized training solutions for construction, mining, and quarry companies. Our training is ideal for companies looking to train 3-6 employees on operating Cat machines.
Caterpillar Certified Instructors provide instructor-led operator training delivered on your jobsite or at one of our Demonstration & Learning Centers. In case of limited travel, we offer virtual operator training, demonstrations, machine deliveries and product launches.
Productivity Services include Global Supervisor Training and Jobsite Analysis, designed to provide company managers the training needed to conduct site evaluations and identify improvement opportunities on their jobsite.
Cat® Simulator training provides safe, hands-on experience for operators. Each simulator teaches heavy equipment operations using the same OEM controls and machine applications as found on real-world worksites.
Web-based operator eLearning is also available, developed to introduce new operators to machine safety, controls, maintenance, inspection and operating procedures. It is also used as a support tool for experienced operators to refresh and improve their knowledge of safe and responsible machine operation.
For more information, contact Equipment Training Solutions.